2012 Readers' Choice Awards - Board Games and Card Games Feb 13th 2012, 11:05 | The Readers' Choice Awards are all about what you think. We want your choices for the best games, the best game stores, and more! Use the links below to submit your nominations for the best games of 2011, the best game stores, the best social media sites, and more! There are two phases to the Readers' Choice Award process: nominations and final voting. In the nomination stage, you can submit your favorite games, game stores, etc., in the categories listed below. The nomination phase closes on Feb. 15, 2012. When the nomination phase has closed, up to five nominees in each category will advance to the voting phase. Voting will begin on Feb. 22, 2012, and will continue through March 21, 2012. The winners will be announced on March 30, 2012. Thanks for participating! For even more, check out About.com's main Readers' Choice Awards site.  Image © About.com Strategy games come in all shapes and sizes. The best strategy games require you to think several steps ahead, to see the bigger picture, and to adjust your tactics when things get tough. What do you think was the best new strategy game published in 2011? Last year's winner in this category was was 7 Wonders. The other finalists were Dominant Species, Fresco, Hansa Teutonica, and Stomple.  Image © About.com Great party games can make you laugh so hard you cry, stretch your creativity in new and interesting ways, and create an experience where who actually won is almost irrelevant. What do you think was the best new party game published in 2011? Last year's winner in this category was Morphology. The other finalists were Dixit 2, Telestrations, Wits & Wagers Family, and Word on the Street.  Image © About.com This category is designed to recognize games that are great for families to play together, so nominees should be able to be enjoyed by a variety of ages. What do you think was the best new family game published in 2011? Last year's winner in this category was Railways of the World: The Card Game. The other finalists were Forbidden Island, Fresco, Sounds Like a Plan, and Square Shooters.  Image © About.com Designing a great children's game is no simple task. Children can be the toughest critics, and you also must remember that parents will be playing the game over and over again -- so it can't leave them bored, either. What do you think was the best new children's game published in 2011? Last year's winner in this category was Dweebies. The other finalists were Creationary, The Magic Labyrinth, Ratuki, and Word on the Street Junior.  Image © About.com Kickstarter has made it possible for independent game publishers and even individual designers to release a game without taking a major financial risk. By asking people to support a project before a game is published, it turns the traditional publishing model on its head. What do you think was the best game successfully funded on Kickstarter (or a similar service) in 2011? (Because some of the games successfully funded in 2011 have not yet been published, it is also fair to think of this category as the "best Kickstarter campaign" of 2011.) This is a new category.  Image © About.com In 2011, a lot of board games and card games made the jump from cardboard and plastic to smartphone and tablet. To a large extent, the iPad led to this surge in electronic versions of both classic and modern games. What do you think was the best iOS or Android board game or card game released in 2011? This is a new category.  Image © About.com Local game stores occupy a special place in the hearts of many gamers, and they play a critical role in helping to spread the word about great games. What do you think was the best local game store in 2011? Last year's winner in this category was Chicagoland Games: Dice Dojo in Chicago, Illinois. The other finalists were Atomic Games in Manitowoc, Wisconsin; Just Awesome! The Board Game Store in San Francisco, California; Kingdom of Adventure in Kirkaldy, Fife, Scotland; and Rainy Day Games near Portland, Oregon.  Image © About.com Many gamers rely on online stores to find the best new games and have them delivered right to their door. What do you think was the best online game store of 2011? Last year's winner in this category was Funagain Games. The other finalists were Amazon, Boards & Bits, Troll & Toad, and Leisure Games.  Image © About.com It's amazing how much information can actually be packed into just 140 characters. And there are far too many great game-related Twitter accounts to even begin listing them here -- but that won't stop me from asking you to pick just one. What do you think was the best game-related Twitter account of 2011? This is a new category.  Image © About.com Facebook says it has more than 800 million active users. A lot of game players and game companies are making great use of the service to keep in touch and provide useful information. What do you think was the best game-related Facebook page of 2011? This is a new category.  Image © About.com Beyond Twitter and Facebook, the list of social media sites includes Google+, Flickr, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and many others. What do you think was the best game-related use of social media, other than Facebook and Twitter, in 2011? This is a new category. | |
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